we thunk n we plunk n we blew the house full of CO2 and it was just fine, ok? another day we are ok.
a bio: "jacjac believes in questions, dreams, & entropy -- as in: a constant state of expansion & decomposition -- & blurring lines so we can color everywhere (all the time)
a work in progress! a masterpiece!
practice makes
i was as kind as i could be today
i want to be kinder
i was as patient as i could be today
i want to be patienter
i was as honest as i could be today
i want to be more honest
i want to be better able to be honest
i want to be better at a lot
today is a day to learn from
sing love speak flowers (speak love sing flowers)
spooky old dead folks: a walkaround with new friends!
i want to go to
quiet places
i want to sit
in silent wonder
and point to
all the beauty
all around
i want to share
my delight
at every little
and how completely
each one is
(the little things
are the big things)
(the big things
are the little things)
(it's all big...it's all little...)
i love you goodnight!